selected articles & chapters

This is an incomplete sample of recent and/or key papers of mine. For a complete list of published work, please see my CV or Google Scholar page.


Visualizing Young Men’s Fertility Desires: A View from Balaka, Malawi. Socius.


Global burden of maternal bereavement: indicators of the cumulative prevalence of child loss. BMJ Global Health.

Demography beyond the foot. Population and Development Review.


Mobile phones, digital inequality, and fertility: Longitudinal evidence from Malawi. Demographic Research.

Maternal Cumulative Prevalence Measures of Child Mortality Show Heavy Burden in Sub-Saharan Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.


Data Collection as Disruption. American Sociological Review.

Tsogolo la Thanzi: A longitudinal study of young adults living in Malawi’s HIV epidemic. Studies in Family Planning.


The Flexibility of Fertility Preferences in a Context of Uncertainty. Population and Development Review.


AIDS & Religious Life in Malawi: Rethinking How Population Dynamics Shape Culture. Population-e.

Ideals as Anchors for Relationship Experiences. American Sociological Review.